
Highlight Books
As a parent and former teacher, I value literature that has deep meaning and moral teachings. The New Colony Critter Tales exhibits both of these wonderful qualities. As a society, our students are lacking in social awareness and moral values. Education is such an important aspect of life, but so are citizenship skills. I believe students will connect with the personification of the animal characters, and be interested in the historic fiction throughout the books. There are so many lessons and focuses that these texts exemplify, and I know parents will be excited to read, listen, and discuss these stories with their children. ~Ashley
Magic Storybook DVD
My children just love your Magic Storybook's on DVD. They watch and rewatch them all the time. They are a wonderful learning tool and...great entertainment, especially when we're traveling in the car. ~Angela
Activity Coloring Books
Roger, The girls had so much fun reading and coloring the activity books.! They love all the animal characters.! I love the nice messages that the books teach.! You and your granddaughter are very talented. Thank you again for these great books! ~ Stefanie
Magic Motion Storybook
I wanted to let you know, I was babysitting a 4 year old, and both he...and I, enjoyed watching The Food Pirates magic motion storybook on DVD. It was very entertaining and kept our interest until the end...which is hard to do with a 4 year old. Just wanted you to know. ~Olivia