
The Do For Others Day Storybook (Hardback)


“The Do For Others Day” is the first book of the Critter Adventure Tales series of audiobooks, e-books, printed books, and other learning/reading aids. This inaugural story highlights how the village’s leading citizen, Mayor Turkey, made an “officially-official” declaration that resulted in the one-day trading of job responsibilities among New Colony residents. The unintended results of his declaration were humorous, surprising, and life-changing for everyone (including Mayor Turkey). 

Plus eBooks, Audio Books, DVD’s, and CD’s (See Ordering Page)

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 Series Synopsis: The backdrop for this series is a fanciful, early-American village called “New Colony,” which is populated by a diverse group of Critters working together to overcome the challenges of living in the wilderness. Each of our planned offerings will showcase how America, from its earliest beginnings, has benefitted from the skills and talents of individuals from many different cultures and backgrounds…while also serving as a creative tool for teachers and parents to assist young students in the areas of reading, writing, and comprehension. 

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Weight 12.4 oz